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Are you all from Germany?

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Dabei seit: 19.09.2006
Beiträge: 2

BeitragVerfasst am: 19.09.2006 17:19    Titel: Are you all from Germany? Antworten mit Zitat

I'm very sorry that I'm writing in english, but I can't speak German very well... Hope you understand!
So, are you all from Germany or countries where are people talking German? I'm from Finland and it's quite exciting to be here with you all.

This is some kind of virtual stable, or forum for that, am I right? In Finland we have too virtual horse world, but it's very much different than yours. If you would like to visit a finnish virtual stable, I can show you my own, but all texts there are in finnish and I'm afraid you don't understand very much... Stable's name is Yave anyway and I'm breeding holsteiners and trakehners there. (I would like to buy these horses too, if someone wants to sell a horse for me Smile)
And I'm not sure at all, but is this only for racing horses and stables? I don't have any race horse, my horses are for dressage or showjumping only... Would someone be so friendly and give me a link for riding horse forum or something like that, if this is only for races?

So, I would like to hear of your virtual world very much and see your stables. Thanks very much if someone is going to aswer!
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Dabei seit: 28.07.2006
Beiträge: 4975
Gestüt: Fliegerhorst, China Stables

BeitragVerfasst am: 19.09.2006 17:31    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Hello Cirith,

you are right. This is a forum for virtual racehorses. This is the link to the game:

There you can build up your own breeding- and racing-stables. You can buy and sell racehorses, train them and - last but not least - let them start in races.

This forum here is for Virtual-Galopp players. Here we discuss, buy and sell horses and many more.

Be likely to look around!

Best greetings


Mein Stall:

Fliegerhorst *klick*

Meine DHs *klick*
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Dabei seit: 19.09.2006
Beiträge: 2

BeitragVerfasst am: 19.09.2006 17:49    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

Thank you very much, Ghira!
Well, do you know any place for riding horses, like dressage etc? It would be very interesting to visit Smile
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horselover xx

Dabei seit: 13.11.2005
Beiträge: 812
Gestüt: Greenwod

BeitragVerfasst am: 19.09.2006 17:51    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

well mayby you look around on finish homepages because it will be very difficult to understand german Wink
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Dabei seit: 04.08.2006
Beiträge: 721
Gestüt: Valhalla

BeitragVerfasst am: 19.09.2006 18:04    Titel: Antworten mit Zitat

hello cirith!

virtual galopp is not like your virtual stable, i think! virtual galopp is a browser-game. every horse in this game can't leave this page and there is no horse on an other page, who could be a part of this game. i think, something like YOUR stable would be this: Gestüt Tersk. Virtual Stables like this are called "Virtueller Reiterhof" in germany. So, i think, you can find a place for some Dressage-horses an Showjumping-Horses on pages like these!

Sorry for my bad English, but i'm not very good at it!

Good Bye


Valhalla's Deckhengste

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